Joshua has become quite the little parrot lately. He repeats pretty much anything we say and usually says it like he is asking a question. For example: I think we should grill some chicken. Joshua says: "grill some chicken(voice goes up at the end)?" Joshua also thinks that what happens in his 3 yr old world, also happens in the adult world. A couple of days ago, Joshua got a hair cut and they gave him a sucker at the end. Last night when Dan walked out from having his hair cut, Joshua asked"you get a sucker daddy?" Joshua now wears underwear all the time except for when he is sleeping, so going to the restroom in public has become a big challenge. He usually likes to stand, but for some reason when he is with me, he wants to sit, so I pretty much have to hold him over the toilet(thank goodness for seat covers). So the other day, while at Target, I took him to the bathroom; he went and then I told him I needed to go. Joshua thought that since I hold him over the toilet that he would "try" to hold me over the toilet. He said,"momma I hold you, it will be ok." (Awww! What a sweet moment in the restroom that was...ha!) Joshua will pretend to "sit" by the door like we do when he puts covers on Milo(our dog) to go night, night! The kid is such a little mimic! He loves to repeat everything we say, which means we have to be very careful in what we say. Even if he acts like he isn't listening, he usually is!
It is fun to have conversations with Joshua, because his little mind set is so different than adults. If Dan and I complete a task, Joshua will tell us "good job!" or "you did it!" When you ask him what he did at school, he will tell you who all of his friends are and that he saw Mrs. Maria(his teacher). That is all he will say, but he says it with a huge smile on his face.
Mrs. Maria told me the other day that when it was nap time, Joshua told his good buddy, Andrew, to close his eyes and go to sleep! Don't worry I will sit right here.
While at the park, Aunt Jana told Joshua to go down slide and he said, "ok, but I'm gonna need your help!"
He is always telling us, "stop friends! stop friends!" when he wants our attention. This usually happens around the dinner table when Dan and I are talking about our day.
He is such a delight to talk to and he keeps us laughing all the time! He is so witty and smart, sometimes too smart! He is a great problem solver and will not give up until he has figured it out. I love this little boy! ~HE IS SUCH A JOY!!!!!~