We are still here, even though in the blog world it might seem like we fell off the face of the earth! Not a whole lot has happened since my last post or that I felt was blog worthy, so I apoligize for the lack of post.
This past weekend we had our first garage sale and might I say that we will not be doing one for a really, really, long time(if ever). The money that was made did not seem worth it for the effort and planning that was put into it. I guess I expected it to go alot better than it did. I thought we had some really nice things, but maybe it just wasn't other peoples type of stuff. We started at 7, which means we were up at 6am, on a Saturday! YIKES! I am thankful for the little money that we did make and for the wonderful cool front that blew through this weekend. The weather made the waiting outside for customers much more bearable. Today(Sunday) we are just relaxing and gearing up for our trip to Nebraska next Saturday! We are very excited! We were going to drive, like last year, but Dan found some really great prices on place tickets, so we opted to fly instead(probably better for our sanity, ha!). Joshua has flown twice before to Nebraska, but I am really excited because I think this time he will really get it and be excited about the planes and the airport(at least this is what we are hoping for). Don't worry, you will get the full report when we get back. The weather is supposed to be really nice up there, like actual fall weather, so that will be an added bonus. Not much else is happening at the moment, just doing our day to day thing. I will try and get a post in before we leave.
For those of you wondering what Joshua's been up to: He has been battling allergies!! Poor kid, has good days and bad days! I feel so sorry for him, but he is being a trooper through it all! He is still his funny, crazy, self! This morning, around 7:15 he came to our door and knocked really loud. We said, "Come In!" and he swung open the door and shouted, "SURPRISE!" Good thing he is cute!!
Hope everyone has a great week and enjoys this fall like weather!!!