Tuesday, May 24, 2011

First Pool Party

Joshua went to another birthday party this past Sunday, only this time it was a pool party. There were 17 kids there and a pool and backyard that looked like it should be featured on MTV Cribs. When we got there we had no idea it was a pool party. It was never mentioned on the invitation, so we came with just a present and no swim suit. The mom answered the door and said, "come on in, the kids are getting their sunscreen on and are about to jump in." Awesome! My heart sunk a little, because I know how much Joshua loves the water and I know that when he saw his friends swimming he would want to go too. So, Dan and I decided that if he chose to go swimming, we would let him swim in his clothes, because I always carry a change of clothes for him. Great, problem solved! Joshua was watching the kids splash around in the pool through the fence and I asked if he wanted to go and he said no at first, but quickly changed his mind. The birthday boy's mom came over and started talking to Joshua about swimming and she said go get your suit and get in. I informed her that I was not aware that it was a pool party, so I didn't bring him a swimsuit. Long story short, she went inside and out she came with a swimsuit, a swim shirt, and a towel. Thank goodness she has 3 little boys around Joshua's age! After some sunscreen and some arm floaties(because it was the next best thing to the ring) he was in the pool splashin' around. Since Dan and I were not able to get in the pool, due to the lack of bathing suits, we threatened Joshua not to leave the steps or the shallow end. Of course, he did try to test us once or twice, but after telling him he would have to get out and stay out he opted to obey(good decision). I was so nervous the whole time he was in there, because even though we were right on the side where he was it still was scary knowing that he was in there "by himself". He kept telling us, "I can swim" and then would dunk his head under water. While I am so glad we gave him swim lessons from the age of 6 months, I think he is a little over cofident when it comes to the water. So, my purpose of putting him in swim lessons so young is now starting to kind of back fire a little. It's ok, we will just have to remind him that he still needs to "respect" the water and review water safety rules. Joshua L-O-V-E-D swimming so much that he did not want to get out when it was time to eat or have cupcakes. Wow, not even cupcakes and singing "Happy Birthday"(which is his favorite song) could get him out. We finally convinced (bribed) him to get out of the pool. He had so much fun swimming with all his little friends. It was a great first pool party. I have pictures below that were taken with my phone. He looks so cute in water wings!

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