Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Joshua says the Darndest Things

Lately, Joshua has been some saying some really funny stuff, so I wanted to write it down, so I want forget.  He is so witty and comes up with the craziest stories!
Just today we were at a stop light and Joshua wanted his umbrella but couldn't reach, because it was on the floor.  He asked if I could get it for him.  I was trying to reach around my seat to grab it and told him that I couldn't reach it.  Joshua says, "Momma, yes you can,  just use your muscles and more muscles, you can do it!" Ha!
When leaving the gym he told the worker's in the childcare center, "Bye, thanks for having us!"
Almost everytime, I share something with Joshua in the form of good news, like we are going to "X" place or "X" people are coming over, how was his day, etc.  He almost always asks "Are you so happy?"  Apparently this is something that some PDD kids do.  They need that extra reassurance, because they do not know how to process self praise and encouragement, therefore they seek it out.  They are not very confident in what they accomplish, so their need to be praised is much greater.  None the less it is still something cute that he says, so I had to add it to the list.
He love to have our dog, Milo do tricks for treats!  Joshua will ask Milo to lay down or sit and after Milo follows the command, Joshua will say, "why thank you!"
Joshua is always encouraging Dan and I.  He will say, "You can do it!"  "You got it"  "Yay, you did it!"  He our little encourager for sure.
Joshua was telling me the other day about a game he played in Grapes class called "Whack A Mole". I asked, "what did you do?" His reply, "I whacked them moles right on their heads!"  haha!
This little man keeps us in stitches and we are always eager to hear what he is going to say next!
Thank you, Joshua for always making Daddy and I laugh!   

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