Friday, November 30, 2012

Only Way to Describe It

 So, the only way to describe our life right now is BUSY!!!  This is why the blog has taken a backseat. The older two are outside playing and the baby is sleeping, so I thought I would sneak in a post before someone starts to cry or tattle on the other one. :-)  Our life is not BUSY in a bad way, but in away that keeps us on our toes!  After the last post, we received another placement!  A sweet little 4 day old baby girl(Oct. 31).  So, that makes 3 total kids 5 and under.  I used to think I was busy with one child, HA!  We basically went from 1 to 3 in a matter of 3 weeks. We are still getting used to the idea of 3, but it seems to be going fairly well.  The oldest thinks he is the boss, the oldest of the 2 girls thinks she is a princess, and the little one well, she likes to party when others like to sleep!  I have never seen so much laundry in my life and the crockpot has become my new best friend!  We have 3 carseats packed into the backseat of our car and someone is always asking "where are we going?"  I am by no means complaining about this, because this is exactly what I prayed for and what my heart desired.  I am just describing this choatic life that we live right now.  Thank goodness for a husband who is willing to jump in and help after being at work for 9 hrs.  He is very sweet to give me a break once he gets home.  We are both learning together this new controlled chaos that our new family brings.  It is like we have always been a family of 5!

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