Saturday, March 21, 2009

Blue Skies and Ice Cream Cones!!!

Today was a beautiful spring day! The weather was perfect so we decided to make the best of it by getting out and enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. Our day started off with a hunt to find some bluebonnets, which was unsuccessful. We saw some along the highway, but the field that we went to last year was vacant. We will continue our search until we find the perfect and most safe spot to take pictures in the bluebonnets. After the bluebonnet hunt was a bust, we decided to come home and work in the yard. Joshua had other plans and that was to take a wonderful 3 1/2 hour nap. That's right, no typo here 3 1/2 hours. Poor guy must have needed it bad! So daddy and I worked in the yard all morning fixing up the flower bed , taking care of the shrubs and trees. After Joshua's nice solid nap and some lunch we were off again. Dan decided that he wanted a smoothie from Smoothie King and it just so happened that Maggie Moos was a couple of doors down, so while Dan went to get a smoothie Joshua and I decided we would go get ice cream. Now, this would be Joshua's first true ice cream cone. He loves to take bites of my skinny cow ice cream sandwiches(which by the way are fabulous), but never has had anything like an ice cream cone. We decided to enjoy our ice cream and smoothie outside. Joshua of course wanted to try everything. He tried Dan's smoothie first, which was lemon and strawberry. Joshua must have gotten all lemon because he made the most puckered face I have ever seen. I couldn't get my phone out in time to take a pic( i was holding 2 ice cream cones). Well he loved it and kept going back for more sips, that is until he was given his vanilla ice cream cone. The kid went to town! He tried to even eat it from the bottom up. Silly boy!!! It was a good time eating our treats! Thank goodness for baby wipes!!! Below are some pictures of our wonderful Saturday. We are now all exhausted and hanging out. Tomorrow is another beautiful spring day, can't wait!

My cool shades!!!
The tongue expalins how good it is....YUM!

This is a kid's cone...really!!!

Smoothie King Joshua!

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