Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Little of this and A Little of that

There are alot of random things in this blog, so I had to create a title that would cover everything. There are so many cute and funny things that Joshua is starting to do that if I don't blog about them soon, I will forget to do it later. So here we go! Joshua tried ketchup for the first time last night. It was so funny to watch him. We were out to eat, so I was not able to get a pic, but the kid was hilarious. I haven't done the whole ketchup experience yet, because I didn't think it was a necessary food group to have on the plate( I know some of you might think differently) and dinner time is messy enough without adding another mess on purpose. Dan put a little bit on his plate as I grabbed the wipes and prepared for the worst. Joshua took a piece of chicken and dipped it in the ketchup like he had been doing it for years. Honestly, he never "played" in it. He actually took his food and dipped it. What he did do was dip and lick, dip and lick. He loved it! Also, when you tell Joshua it's time to go, he will start walking to the door that leads into the garage. He will keep looking back to make sure you are coming too and will say over and over again "Go, go go" It is so cute! He also says "night, night"when it is time for bed or nap time. It is the sweetest thing to hear him say that. He says "beep, beep" and uses it in context sometimes. The teachers in his MDO class say this when they need to get by or they are moving a toy or whatever, so I think that is where he got it from. It was funny, for awhile he was saying it and Dan and I had no idea what he was saying, until the other morning when Milo was standing in his way and he said, "beep, beep" for Milo to get out of his way. It is Joshua's new favorite phrase! "BEEP, BEEP!" Last but not least in random Joshua news, is that we caught Joshua on video getting down and funky...haha!! These are Joshua's new dance moves! Enjoy!!

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