Sunday, October 4, 2009

Bye-Bye Highchair, Hello Booster Seat!

Heeelllooo again, it's me! You know the little man that keeps getting told that I am growing up waaay too fast. Well, you can say it all you want, but it isn't going to slow down anytime soon and I have another milestone to prove it. For the past week or so I have been really hinting to Mommy and Daddy that I am not really loving my highchair anymore. I have thrown fits when I have been put in it and to make it a little more clear I point to the table and chairs where they sit. Well, they thought they could fool me by taking off my tray from the highchair and pushing me up to the table to where I would eat off the table like they do. But, I am smarter than they think, well to be honest they did fool me for a week or so, but today, I was done! I made up my mind that I would not sit in that highchair. So, I did what any normal toddler would do and gave them my best "fit". I mean back arching, kicking and screaming( I told you that I can throw a fit with the best of them). Daddy asked me what I wanted and we went everywhere in the kitchen but the table, he wasn't quite sure what I was asking for, even though I kept pointing towards the table. I think I frustrated him a little, but I had to get my point across. Finally, he asked if I wanted to sit at the table and in my most pathetic voice, I said "yea". Well, I don't have a booster seat at this point, so they sit me on the chair and give me my snack(banana and Cheerios), and I can barely see over the table, but I am a happy camper and I am loving this. So, Mommy and Daddy decided that it was time to go get a booster seat. After a very long search and one return, I had my seat. I used it at my afternoon snack time and at dinner. I was on cloud nine!!! It was so cool to eat right there with Mommy and Daddy! I even ate all my dinner and didn't even throw my food or cup! Mommy and Daddy were very proud of me. It was awesome! Poor Mommy, she didn't show it but I could tell that she was sad even though she was so proud of me. She isn't really liking this whole "me growing up"thing, but she loves how I light up when I accomplish something new! I am such a big boy, when I was done with dinner, I wiped my face and hands and signed "finished" to let Mommy and Daddy know I was done. Well, that is all I have for now, Mommy posted some pics of the journey from the highchair this morning to my new booster seat this afternoon!

Last time in the highchair :(
In between highchair and booster seat

First afternoon snack in his booster seat

Dinnertime! Look how happy he is!

Such a big boy using his manners!

Yeah Me!!!

I am very proud of Joshua and how he is taking to this whole booster seat idea. I know he feels such a part of the table now. At school he sits in little chairs at little tables, so he hasn't been using a highchair there, so I think he figured, why use one at home if I don't use one at school, makes perfect sense to me!!! We love our big, growing up way too fast, little man!!

1 comment:

The Eges said...

Hi Alicia,

Wow, it is crazy how people find people through blogs! You'll have to tell me later how you found ours. Yes, I remember you from school. I'm not sure what all you read from our blog, but we're in Leander. We'd be happy to get together. Here's my info - & 986-6772.

We're going back to Beaumont for a long weekend this week, so maybe we can talk next week about a playday? What is your schedule like?
