Friday, October 2, 2009


It seems like here lately, Joshua says a new word everyday! This week it has been the words, Happy(appy) and Apple (ah-pull). So everything is either happy or apple. Like for instance last night at the dinner table, we were eating, and I told Joshua to eat his chicken, he in turn, shook his head and said "no apple(ah-pull)", I told him no it is chicken, to which he said no ah-pull. OK, so this little argument could really go on and on for awhile, but right now I am learning to choose my battles and this is one battle that doesn't need to be fought, so I said OK, then eat your apple. He ate his piece of "apple" (chicken) and then looked at me and said "Happy"(appy)! I asked if he was a "happy boy" and he said "yeah".

The rest of the evening was spent with him saying happy, apple, happy, was pretty cute! This age is very challenging but it also is pretty hilarious at the same time. Joshua is becoming his own little person with his very own way of doing things and sometimes it is just down right frustrating, but most of the time it is just down right funny!!!! This kiddo is such a Happy Apple!!!!

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