Thursday, February 24, 2011

Four Years and Still Going Strong!

Today, Dan and I have been married 4 years! Each year on Feb. 24th, I always think back to what our special day was like. I always smile and laugh at the thought of that day. It definitely was a day to remember. I got to thinking what about the other 364 days of the year that we share together and all the memories those days have made. Everyday that we have been together, as a married couple has made some sort of an impact as to who we are as a couple. Some days might be calmer than others, but we learn and grow together each and everyday as we share our thoughts and make important decisions together, as we share in the responsibility of raising our son, Joshua and as we strive to make our home a safe and happy enviroment for him. Our ultimate goal for our family is to live everyday to it's fullest and to make every moment count! I have had friends and family tell me that they love being at our house, they feel safe and comfortable and that they feel the happiness that it within this home. WOW! What an honor for someone to say that about our family and our home. This is not to say that Dan and I do not have our disagreements and that our days are always filled with joy and laughter(that would be a perfect, fairytale and we all know that no one or family is perfect). Every marriage has it's ups and downs and trials and tribulations, but it is always better to go through it with the one that you truly, with out a doubt know, you are meant to be with. Just makes things a little easier. It is also good to have a partner that will step up when the other one is down and out. Let's take this week for instance. Joshua came down with a really bad cold and fever, which he so graciously gave to me. It was a rough 24-48hrs. Dan was there the whole time and never once griped or complained about being the sole person doing pretty much everything. He selflessly made sure that everyone was taken care of and got what they needed. He knows that I would do the same thing and that is what you call true love. Thankfully we are all on the mend and Dan miracously has not gotten whatever this virus is. It is the little things that we do for each other that mean the most. Not the date nights(although those are much needed), not the cards or gifts, just the everyday simple things and acts of kindness that we do for one another that honestly shows how much we love each other. I am truly greatful for Dan! I really do thank God everyday for allowing our paths to cross and then join in a wonderful life long journey. I love our life together and how we continue to build our home and make it our own. How together we learn from each other and grow together. Each and everyday is "our special day!" I am looking forward to many more years to come and I know each day we grow stronger and stronger in our relationship!!


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