Friday, August 30, 2013

How the Other TWO Spend Thier Day

So, there are two more still at home while Johsua is at school, and I thought I would let you all in on their day.  Sorry, there will be no pictures as I can not post pictures of them on the internet, because they are foster kiddos.  Believe me if I could post pictures I most certainly would!!

Here we go:

Wake up when Big brother does, because we all get the pleasure of taking him to school.  Get home from taking brother and then there is the big decision on what to eat for breakfast.  The oldest, who is 3 starts off with saying she wants cereal, after I get said cereal, she then changes her mind and says she wants waffles.  I make her waffles and when they are placed in front of her she proclaims they are not her favorite  and then I proclaim back that "I don't care, and its what she asked for so she needs to eat it!" Her response, because she always feels she has to have the last word is, "I asked for cereal!! 

Play in the living room with the oldest and youngest. Babies, tents, its up to her.  While trying to play with her, the baby plays her own little game of hide and seek.  Once I discover her and put her where I can see her and continue to play with the oldest, the littlest is off again this time I find her under the side table with all the magazines pulled down.  This is actually repeated several times through out the day. She thinks its the best game ever of course, I feel like I am on a never ending hunt and find mission.  Almost always there are tears from both the oldest and the littlest one.  Over what, you might ask?  I would like to know, myself, but when I ask the 3 yr old, she proceeds to tell me nothing every time.  Baby takes a nap or maybe not! I try to do a little bit of work or maybe not! Lunch is another one of those tough decisions.  Luckily the baby will eat just about anything I put in front of her, because I have to fight the battle with indesisive over what she wants for lunch.  It usually ends with PB&J and a banana.  Naptime for the oldest goes smoothly for the most part unless I forget to say quiet time and instead say naptime and then there is more crying, which only proves that she needs to take a NAP!!!  Baby sometimes decides to treat me and take a nap at the same time, which is HEAVEN!!!!  My "heaven" usually last about 45 minutes.  The baby gets up and starts demanding a snack.  The baby is only 10 months old, so when I say demand, I mean she asks using her signing of "more" and then if the food doesn't magically appear, she begins to slam her hands on the high chair and squeal, which eventually turns into a scream!  The oldest wakes up just in time for us to go pick up Joshua from school.  Load em up and move em out!  Baby screams and fights me because she doesn't want to get in the carseat, and the oldest forgot something that she just has to have for the 2 min car ride.  Finally, get to the school only to wait in the dreaded car pool line, to which should be faster, but it isn't.  There is not a groove to the system yet!  The baby falls asleep but then wakes up because the car stopped moving and proceeds to scream for the next 10-15 minutes while we wait, which I get to hear from the oldest, she is crying so loud, stop crying baby!  Oh, thank you for that!  I wasn't aware that there was a screaming baby directly behind me!!!  Big brother gets in the car and we head home or to therapy depending on what day it is.  You can see that it is quite eventful here with us 3 while brother is at school!  We all love when daddy walks through the door! 

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