Thursday, December 18, 2008

We're in TROUBLE now...

Haha! I still have one bow left!!!
Oh no she caught me!!!!

What?? It wasn't me, I swear!!

OK, so Joshua recently started crawling/scooting around. So we haven't had to baby proof the house just yet. We bought some baby proofing stuff a while back when we thought he might just take off, but he never did, so we put it up. Well, just this past week he has been getting better and better at this whole crawling thing. We have found him under the side table just hanging out and by the back door saying hello to Milo outside and many other fun places that he has traveled too. I always knew that we would eventually have to pull out the baby proofing stuff, and this was the week. The most recent place that I have found Joshua was yesterday by the Christmas tree! When I walked in the living room I found presents strung everywhere. All the bows were off of them. He had a good old time while I was on the phone. I took some pictures(of course) One of the pics he is looking at me as if to say what it wasn't me, it was Milo, but the blue bow on his back says otherwise! Needless to say we baby proofed the house last night and basically had to get down on his level in order to make sure we covered everything. Joshua is getting use to this whole mobile thing and loving every minute of it!!!


Unknown said...

Here comes trouble!! Now you won't be able to take your eyes off of him for even a second! Our worlds have completely changed =)

be-dazzled! said...

your going to be a busy mommy! have fun chasing after that darling baby!