Thursday, January 14, 2010


Warning: This post is about me needing to get something off my chest, and it might be a bit depressing, and a bit raw, so proceed with caution!
So, for the past few days I have been really struggling within myself with different emotions. I have been throwing the biggest pity party for myself, I am talking huge! The usual pity party stuff, like finances, needing to loose weight, not having my house the way I want it, having to go to work, etc. I have just been moping in my own sorrows and self pity that is until I went on face book and read something that has really made me stop and start thinking. Can we say REALITY CHECK! I read on facebook today about a woman that I knew of in high school that has stage IV colon cancer and the doctor has done everything that they can do, so now they are just trying to make her comfortable. This woman is my age and has 2 young kids and a husband. She is still staying positive and strong throughout this whole horrible process. Then there is the news about all the thousands and thousands of people in Haiti that are missing or dead or have lost everything. And all the numerous other things that are going on around the world. With all this being said, I can't help but to think my life is REALLY not that bad! I am married to a wonderful man, I have a beautiful son, and I have a house, I have water, I have electricity, I have a job, I get to brush my hair whenever I want to, heck I get to type this blog on my very own computer. Even though all this can get a little crazy and frustrating at times, it is the life that GOD has given me and it is a blessing to be living it. Things can change in a blink of an eye with out any notice and while we are not supposed to question why things are, as humans it is hard not to. I am not saying that we should not feel sorry for ourselves or get upset about certain situations that we are in, I am just saying that maybe we need to step back and do a reality check on our lives. I have no doubt that today I was supposed to read the story of my acquaintance in high school. God is tricky like! He knows exactly what we need and when we need it. Apparently, today, God was OK Alicia enough! So, with all that being said and off my chest, I challenge you to stop the next time you think you have it seriously bad to look around you and do a REALITY CHECK! I know my REALITY CHECK was today! Please pray for the woman and her family during this time and for the people of Haiti and anything you feel needs prayer! There isn't anything too great or too small that God can't handle. Also praise God for all the blessings that you have in your life as well. Sorry if this blog was a bit raw and depressing I just needed to get it off my chest. I have posted a few pics below to help lighten the mood after this reading! MY LIFE IS AWESOME! I REALLY DON'T HAVE IT BAD AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!

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