Sunday, June 20, 2010

More Water Please!

I know what you are thinking...that splashing in the water is probably the last thing that we want to do after being in the water for 5 days straight, but it is so darn hot that there really isn't any other way to enjoy being outside. Plus, Joshua has been asking to go to the "swim pool" since we got home! So yesterday after Joshua's nap we decided to load up and head to a local splash pool about 10 mins from the house. We had never been to this pool, so we had no idea what to expect. This place was fabulous! It has a huge swimming pool that is 9 inches deep all the way around with fountains and spray turtles and frogs for the little ones. They had two other pools for older ones, but this one worked out perfect for Joshua. He loved it! He didn't want to leave when it was time to go. He had lots and lots of fun, so much fun that I guess his little body decided it couldn't take anymore and now we are sitting at home with a fever that started late last night. It started as a low grade of 100.5 and this morning it has jumped to 101.5. So we have Motrin and Elmo handy and we are just taking it easy on Father's Day, which is what Dan asked for anyway, so it kind of works out. Poor little guy, he has no other symptoms, so I don't know what is going on. We had a really rough night last night with him not wanting to sleep and when he was in bed he was tossing and turning. Needless to say we are all like zombies today. I think when Joshua goes down for a nap we will all being going down for one. I hope my little man gets to feeling better, because I really would like him to go to school tomorrow to see his friends and first day of swim lessons.

Hope all the Dad's out there are having a great father's day!!

Having fun splashing around

Not feeling well, but watching Elmo!

Check below to see our Vacation Blog!!!

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