Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Casual Conversations

There are alot of random conversations at our house these days. Joshua's vocabulary is expanding and his personality is full steam ahead! These conversations are random, but if I don't blog about it then I will forget them since everyday is a new day!!

Dan: Joshua please take a bite of your rice
Joshua: No, thank you, just chicken

Dan: Let's play bowling on the Wii.
Joshua: Oh yeah! Give me a five!!!

As he is drawing a circle : It's a fish, it's a "b", it's a "6", ummm, no it's a circle!

After he eats anything that he likes, he says "mmmm, delicious"

Me: Joshua did you play with Andrew at school today?
Joshua: yea and with cars.

Me: Joshua it is time to get up and get ready for school
Joshua: Where's daddy?
Me: Daddy is at work, but mommy is here
Joshua: (sighs) and then says "bye, shut the door!"

When he is trying to decide what to do he says " how bout ______"

When watching football, he yells at the TV "go, go, go, touchdown!!"(even if it isn't a touchdown)

We are working on the concept of sharing. In Joshua's mind it is one-sided.
Dan: I will play with the red car and Joshua can play with the yellow car
Joshua: No, I play with red car
Dan: No, you have the yellow car, you have to share.
Joshua: Daddy, share wit me
(Still needs some more work, because apparently you share with Joshua but he isn't to keen on the idea of sharing with you.)

Joshua to our dog: Get down and go time out, right now!

Before bed one night:
Joshua: Go see Andrew
Me: Not tonight, in the morning when you go to school
Joshua: Go see Andrew, please!!!
Me: If you close your eyes and go to sleep then you can wake up and see Andrew
Joshua shuts his eyes and then opens them and says "where's Andrew" I guess I should have explained it a little better. Genesis kid!!!

Joshua: Momma, I have hiccups, hear them....as he makes this crazy noise with his throat and shrugs his shoulders

These are just a few of the conversations or sayings that I can remember. I know there are many more. It is so cute to hear him talk and have actual conversations. He is growing up so fast!

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