Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memorial Weekend

We went to my Mom and Joel's house for the long holiday weekend. We try to see everyone as much as possible but we can pretty much guarantee we will get see everyone over this long weekend. We do our other big get together over labor day usually. This year we decided to bring out our competitive spirits and have a battle of the sexes!! If you know are family, you know that we each competitive in our own way, and it can get a little crazy! We had shirts made( thank you Krystal) and even had team names! Womanators vs Eliminators. We played 6 games total and it was a blast. The Eliminators won overall, but the Womanators are good sports, so we let them gloat over their victory and we will get them next year!!! We did alot of swimming and relaxing and of course eating! We also had a crawfish boil which is tradition and we all look forward to that. I know you want to see this pictures, so I will stop typing, but I do want to say that I am so blessed to have such a great family. We have our ups and downs like any other family, but we are all here for each other no matter what. We love to hang out together and never get tired of each other. So here you go, pictures. Enjoy!

This picture cracks me up! The guys cut their sleeves off their shirts
And used them as dew rags. This is Josh showing off his "guns"!

Team Womanators!

Team Eliminators!

One of the games that we played. Toss a water
Balloon back and forth, whoever has the most catches
Wins. ( Womanators almost had this game)

Our score keepers!

There were also some baby chicks to hold!

Laying around and relaxing!

55lbs of Yummy Goodness! Aka CRAWFISH

We really are serious about our crawfish!

Joshua found a bucket of water...

Splash, repeat, splash, repeat!

This was also part of a game but the kids had a
Little fun of their own before we started.

The girls enjoying some crawfish! Thanks
Mom and Joel for everything. We had so much fun!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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