Sunday, May 6, 2012

Walking for Babies!

There are alot of fundraising events in the Austin area for different organizations. We really have never participated as a family in an event, so I decided to sign us up for The March of Dimes walk for babies. A nurse that I work with had a team set up so we signed up. The walk was 3.2 miles! It was pretty amazing to see all these families walking for their child or someone else's. They had a lot of fun things set up for the kids and families. the walk started at 9, but we got there around 7:30. Joshua did great overall. We had to take turns carrying him a few times, but overall he walked right along with us. We had a few hiccups along the way, but we completed the entire walk as a family! I am so proud of my little family. I think we will sign up for more of these events. It was very rewarding knowing that we walked for all these tiny, premature babies! Of course I have pictures to share.

Hanging out by the water waiting for the walk to start.

This was our view by the water. Beautiful morning for a walk.

Jump House Fun!!

Joshua loved this cow! We saw it before the walk
and then he wanted to go back after. I guess the cow was
there to represent the milk company that was giving away
free ice cream sandwiches. It was a big hit!

And we are off...

We took a break along the route to enjoy
some spiderman ice cream.

Wiped Out!!!! ( I removed the blanket after I took
the picture. :) )

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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