Monday, May 4, 2009

"More Please"

We have been signing to Joshua since he was little and the only sign that seemed to stick was the "all done" sign. He chose to say the word more (mo) instead. The past week or so he has been signing "more" and "all done" back to back. Which is quite confusing when you are trying to figure out what he wants. Yesterday, we were playing with the bubble machine and Dan was turn it off and having Joshua sign more. Joshua finally got it and signed more and then we added the sign for "please". The video below is him signing "more" for the bubbles. We tried to get a video of him signing " more please", but he lost interest in the bubbles after a good 20 minutes of turning the machine on and off. Sorry the video is graining it was taken with my cell phone.

1 comment:

Graham and Storey said...

Way to go, Joshua! He is so precious! Cambell has the same bubble machine and LOVES it! I am grateful to whoever discovered bubbles!