Thursday, May 7, 2009

UPDATE: Life with TWO kids in the house

So, a couple of post ago I shared that I would be watching my niece this entire week because her parents were on a week long cruise(Sun to Sun). So, I thought I would give everyone a little update and share some thoughts on how the week has been going, because I know everyone is dying to know! To be honest it hasn't been as bad as I thought it was going be. Jordan, who is 7 has been a big help with Joshua. She loves to play with him, which comes in handy when you are trying to cook dinner, get baths ready, etc. On that note, Joshua loves her as well. It is cute to watch them interact together. Jordan has to read 20 minutes every night and Joshua sat down one night to listen. Of course, he wanted to point and turn the pages. Jordan was a great sport. She continued to read while Joshua was trying to turn the pages. After she was done reading she turned the book around and showed Joshua all the pictures in the book. How cute is that! Right now, I am going to let you take a peek into a day at the Feldman's:
Wake up around 6:15am which is about 30 mins earlier than usual. That has taken some adjustment. Get Jordan fed, dressed and teeth brushed(thankfully Joshua is still alseep during most of this). Then it is out the door, oh wait can't forget the hair, have to fix the hair( it has been done a different way everyday)...haha! Ok, now it's out the door by 7:05. Dan takes her in the mornings because she has to be at school by 7:35. Now, it is just me and Joshua with our normal morning routine. School and work. Pickup Jordan around 5 and then head home to start dinner and homework. So, Dan and I take turns helping her with her homework, while the other plays with Joshua and then we eat dinner. After that there is some free time, which has been spent swimming, playing outside, etc. Around 7:15pm it is off to the bathtub, then teeth brushed, pajamas on and then quiet time. The magic time for bed is 8:30, which both kids go down at the same time. They go to bed without a fight...thank goodness! So by 9 Dan and I are zonked! Dan and I are in bed around 10:30 and then we wake up and do it all over again. Exhausted yet? I know, me too. Now that I have let you have a glimpse of our days, I have to say even though it has been hetic and crazy having to juggle everything, it has been great getting to spend this time with Jordan. She is such a delight and a big help. She told me the other night, that her favorite thing about coming over was that she gets to play and see Joshua, loves milo and she gets to take long, relaxing bubble baths(seriously, she said that)! She is soo funny! The other night after both kids were down, Dan was laying on the couch and I was reclined back in the chair watching TV, Dan piped up and said "ya know babe, two kids are exhausting!" I laughed and said "yea, I know, and the older one is self sufficient, imagine if she was younger" He said he didn't want too!

On Friday I will be going to get the other 2 that are staying with grandma. They will be staying with me until my brother and sister n law get back on Sunday afternoon. I know, that would make a house with 4 kids in it, but you can't leave the other ones out! They were thrilled to know that I was coming to get them and they were spending the night! How interesting it will be to go from ONE, to TWO to FOUR! It will be a great weekend filled with ALOT of time OUTSIDE!!!

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