Monday, May 18, 2009

A weekend at Grandpa Don & LeeLee's...

This past weekend we went to my Dad's and step mom's (Grandpa Don and LeeLee). We had so much fun feeding the baby ducks and geese and petting the horses. Joshua was especially found of the dog, Cambrick! I don't think Cambrick was too excited about Joshua though. Joshua just loved to chase her around and try to "pet" her. On Saturday we went to Kemah Boardwalk. Dan and I had never been there. It was really neat! There was so much to do and see. We had a wonderful time watching all the boats come through the channel and we even ate at this really cool restaurant called The Aquarium. They have tons of huge aquariums with each one having a different kind of species of fish. It was a great day! We enjoyed our time with Grandpa Don and LeeLee. We don't get to see them as often as we like, so when we are together it is a great time of fellowship, great cooking and relaxing! Thank you for a wonderful weekend!

So the boardwalk had a splash zone like the one I posted about before. Of course, Joshua was all about it! I had looked on the website and saw this, so I had packed an extra outfit just in case we came across the water!!!

This was inside the restaurant where we ate. This was one of the aquariums! Joshua was enthralled in all the fish swimming about!

Family picture in front of a pretty landscape

Joshua loved this area of the boardwalk. He loved looking at the water and all the boats. He couldn't keep still! The chase was on!

This was Joshua's first ride on a carousel! He wasn't too sure about it at first, but slowly decided it was a fun ride and didn't want to get off the horse when it was over. We also rode the Ferris wheel. Mommy was more nervous about that than Joshua. He loved looking at everything from way up high in the sky. Mommy isn't really afraid of heights, she was just nervous about Joshua wanting to get down while we were stopped in mid air...

Relaxing in the hammock and Grandpa and LeeLee's

This is Mocha, the horse. Joshua loved petting him. He wasn't even afraid to go into the stalls at all. He kept signing "more" after each petting. It was really cute! Mocha loved the extra scratching and attention Joshua gave him.

My dad also has a bunch of baby geese and ducks that he is raising for his pond. Joshua was quite intrigued by all these animals and had a ball getting to help feed and water and pet them all. I think Joshua's favorite was trying to catch them. I have a video I will post of him trying to "catch" the ducks!

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