So, this little virus has decided to over stay it's welcome! We are going on 72hrs, people! Our little mini-vacay hasn't been much fun as of yet. Joshua has been feeling pretty crappy the last couple of days. We have been battling this fever since Friday and yesterday it almost beat us! We have not left the house since we got home Friday evening and have had a rough couple of nights as well. Joshua's fever was on a roller coaster ride on Saturday. It would go up and then down, up and then down and then up and stayed at 104.5. We had been taking his temperature through out the day, but it never climbed this high, so we decided to head to the ER, because it wasn't coming down after having meds in him for over 30 mins and cold compresses all over his body, plus he was lethargic. When we got to the ER, we got registered and then we waited and waited until they finally called us back to a room to get his stats and gave him some Tylenol(apparently he could have double of what we had given him, which we were unaware of). So by the time we got back to a room to see the doctor it had come down to 100.9 and he was feeling good and ready to play. So, of course the doctor says, well it looks like he is feeling better(uh yea, if you would have been able to see us 2 hrs ago, you would have seen a totally different child). Anyway, she checked his ears, lungs, heart and throat(all fine) and told us that there isn't anything else to do, but to continue to watch him and alternate between Tylenol and Motrin. Really, that is it, well we were doing that in the comfort of our house. Apparently at his age a fever isn't serious enough to run any test until it reaches 105 or above(yea I know!) So we were discharged shortly after her wonderful words of wisdom and came home, put Joshua to bed only to be woken up at 330am to a feverish Joshua, temp spiked again at 103.6. Joshua has been fever free pretty much since 330am today. We have not gone anywhere this weekend except for our lovely trip to the ER. So, because of that I have gotten A LOT done around the house. I have cleaned my whole house top to bottom spotless. I am talking white glove clean. I finished painting the master bathroom. I have done alot of cooking. For dinner tonight, I made homemade chicken enchiladas with sour cream sauce and spanish rice. Earlier today, I made these wonderful desserts. My mother-in-law made these frozen fruit treats one time, and I thought they were great, so I thought I would make them since I had the time. It is basically orange juice poured into cupcake holders and filled with any fresh fruit of your choice and then popped in the freezer. It is a great, tasty, frozen treat!
Joshua did a lot of this! Poor little guy, slept until 11am today. I guess his poor little body was tired from fighting that nasty old virus. He also took an 2 hr afternoon nap as well.
In between his high fever spells this weekend, he did play some. Milo loves when Joshua plays with him. They are so cute to watch!
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