Sunday, December 13, 2009

Twas the Night before Joshua was born...

...and all through the house everyone was sleeping, except ME!!!! It is 10:14pm as I sit here and blog and I can't help but to think what I was doing this time 2 years ago. That's right I still remember it like it was yesterday. I still remember going to my last doctor's appt. and the doctor letting me decide if I wanted to have a c-section or be induced and I still remember once I made the decision to have a c-section, because I refused to push a 10lb baby out, her saying, "great, I will see you tomorrow(12-14) at 5am to have a baby! WHOA!! I remember the rest of the day seeming like I was floating and it was filled with phone calls telling everyone that it was going to be tomorrow. I remember my family all driving in anticipating the arrival of this precious baby. I remember eating at Chili's with Dan and Deb and even what I was eating. I also remember making a check list and making sure all the last minute details were all together and made. Everyone saying goodnight, because we all had to get up at 4am the next morning and I immediately began to cry. I was SCARED TO DEATH of what was about to happen. The major surgery, the fact that I was going to be responsible for another human being and the unknown!!! Which brings me to 10:30pm and the fact that everyone in the house was asleep even the soon to be Daddy and I was laying there staring at the clock. I can remember the minutes just ticking by as I tried to sing and pray myself to sleep. I remember thinking, how much I had wanted to be a Mommy my whole life and how I was doubting the fact that it was about to come true. All the different emotions that came over me while I laid there wide awake and how before I knew it, 4am was here and the alarm was going off. I don't think I slept at all the night before Joshua was born. There were too many thoughts and emotions flooding my body and mind on that sleepless night. BUT oh the next day, Dec. 14, 2007, oh that most precious day, the day that my little man made his grand entrance into the world.

Stay tuned for the next blog, the BIRTHDAY blog!!

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