Monday, May 24, 2010


Over the weekend we took Joshua to ride Sophie, the train. This is a cute miniature locomotive that is inside one of the parks in the area. The train takes you on a 1.3 mile ride(about 15 mins) through the winding forest and over a bridge and across many fields. Joshua was a little hesitant at first. I actually had to pick him up and carry him to the seat, but once the train started to move and Sophie blew her whistle he felt better about the ride. This train is family owned and operated. The husband and wife team actually laid the 1.3 mile track in just 56 days and also built Sophie. Impressive! Another neat part is that the conductor, who also happens to be the engineer comes to every one's seat and punches their ticket. Kind of like in the polar express without the fancy words. So you get to keep your tickets, which Joshua held on tight to the whole train ride. It was a nice, morning outing and we were glad to find a train that was north in our area. We usually go to the one down south.

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