Monday, May 17, 2010

Surprise Date Night

On Sunday afternoon, Dan surprised me by taking me on a surprise date night. All I knew was that I needed to be ready to go by 2:00 and I wasn't to ask any questions(I normally do that). So, I did what I was told and was ready by 2 without asking any questions. Dan had made arrangements for my brother and sister n law to take Joshua for the afternoon/evening so that he can take me on this surprise adventure.

We headed into Austin and I was very curious as to where we were going because in my head I was trying very hard to figure this whole thing out(what can I say, I am always in the know and it drives me crazy not to be, so of course I was trying to solve the mystery). When we pulled into the parking lot of the movie theatre I knew we where there to see a movie. I was so excited, because I think the last time we had actually gone to a movie was when Joshua was about 6 months old. So we purchased our tickets to see "Date Night"(which was a great movie) and then we sort of just hung around. I kept asking why are we not going in to sit down, he was like I want to look around and see the advertisements. I thought how weird, but didn't say anything because I was trying to be good. The next thing I knew we were being greeted by another couple, our friends Alicia and Brandon! I was shocked and the waiting around had made sense. I couldn't believe that they had been in on the whole thing too. I had just saw Alicia the day before when she brought Ben over for a play date.(Kuddos to her for keeping it under wraps!!)
Still in shock we go find our seats and watch the movie. After it was over there was still another surprise awaiting me. We went to The Domain where we all sat on the patio at Gloria's(the best Mexican/El Salvadorian food ever) and talked and ate and had a wonderful time! We parted ways after that but Dan and I were not ready to go and pick up Joshua. So we went to Yo Yo's Yogurt and had a little treat! It was so yummy! This place is self serve and the frozen yogurt is on the wall and you just help yourself and then there is an endless number of toppings to add to your frozen yummy goodness. It was a nice refreshing treat.

I am still on cloud 9! It was so much fun! We literally have not had a true date night in FOREVER and for my husband to pull it off and surprise me made it 100 times better! He is amazing and he thought out and planned the whole thing from Joshua down to inviting some friends! Not that Dan can't do any of that but usually guys don't do this, it is usually the girls planning everything. I love my husband so much!!! He is the BEST! He is so sweet to always think of me and surprise me. He definitely KNOWS how to treat his woman! I love you, babe! Thanks for a great Surprise Date Night!!!

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