Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Your Joshua Fill

So, I just have some random pictures of Joshua that I thought were too cute and I could not resist sharing them. I am also going to share a few things that Joshua is up to now of days. I honestly can not believe that we are almost halfway thru this year and that Joshua will be 2 1/2 yrs old in June. Mind blowing, huh? So I have compiled a list of things, in no particular order of what this little boy has been doing lately!

* He loves to count! He counts anywhere, anytime and everything!

* He still goes to bed without a fuss and still has not gotten out of his bed to play, etc.
Speaking of beds, he is now in a twin bed and loving it!

* He drinks out of cups without lids or straws. He doesn't do this very often, but he can do it and there is very minimal spilling

* He still loves to swing, but now he wants to go higher, and higher

*Communication is getting a little easier each and everyday. He can speak some 2 word sentences, sometimes 3 word sentences. It helps out alot that he can tell us what he wants for the most part.
* One of his favorite things is to hop, hop, hop like bunny! Sometimes he request that we join in as well. Don't you wish you can be a fly on our wall...haha!
* He is a huge ELMO fan! He loves to watch Elmo and request to see Elmo every afternoon, sometimes he gets his wish other times not.
* He still throws some of the worst tantrums in town, but can also cuddle with the best of them.

* Joshua still loves MUSIC and everything about it. I don't think this kid will stop loving music! I am so glad about this! I love music as well and so does Dan. Dan and I have different types of music that we like, so Joshua gets a wide variety.
* Joshua can pick out instruments in a song and say and pretend play the instrument. The picture below is of him playing his "horn". I realize it is a margarita glass, but he only knows it as his "horn".

*He pretend plays with his stuff animals. I believe that the monkey is his "imaginary" friend. He has conversations with the monkey, dances with the monkey, plays cars with the monkey.
* He has a certain bear and horse that he sleeps with and only plays with when he goes to bed. The horse and bear normally don't leave the bed. He kisses them goodnight and tells them night, night when it is time to go to bed.
* Joshua can sing "Rock a bye baby" and "twinkle, twinkle little star". Funny thing is that he sings twinkle twinkle little Josh. I have no idea where that came from, but it is cute!
* We have cut back on the hard core potty training. He seems to have lost interest and that is ok. We thought for awhile there that he might start going, but now you would think it is the end of the world when we ask if he has to go potty. He shakes his head no and begins to cry and cry. So we have backed off. We have tried goldfish, suckers, gummy snacks, etc. He could care less, so we will just keep trying but no pressure to make him! He will do it when he is ready!

* Joshua is not much of an eater when it comes supper time, but he still loves his fruits and veggies. His favorite veggies are broccoli and green beans. His favorite fruits are bananas and apples. He is not so much into grapes anymore.
* Favorite foods are still goldfish (if you want to call that food) and lunchables, and waffles but he pretty much eats whatever is placed in front of him.
* When asked his name he will tell you, Josh Feldman (eldman) and how old are you? he says 2
* He is still a water baby and loves everything about the water rather he be in the tub, splashing around with his water table or running through the sprinkler. The boy is all about water! He is not afraid to dump water over his head, in fact he will do it himself and laugh hysterically.

* Joshua will start his 3rd season of swim lessons at the end of June and in July will start a little toddler movement and music class. I am really excited for these sessions because I know they are right up his alley.
* This little boy gets more and more amazing everyday. I am such a lucky mom to have such a fantastic kid!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great pictures of Josh! Can't wait to see you guys again soon~