Monday, July 26, 2010

"Birthday Cake to Me"

Joshua has been going around the house lately and singing, "Birthday To Me, Birthday Cake to Me". I know he is trying to sing "Happy Birthday", but I am pretty sure it is a bit early for that. I think it might have something to do with his friends at school. Alot of them have birthdays in the spring and summer, so I guess they have been singing alot of the "Happy Birthday" song and having a treat as well. Yesterday while at the store, Joshua asked me if he could have birthday cake. I tried to explain to him that it was not his birthday, but that did not fly with him at all! I thought about it for a minute and decided that this is actually the first time that he has shown interest in something in the kitchen, so I decided that we would make cupcakes just because. So I let Joshua pick out the cake mix and the frosting, and he picked out confetti white cake mix and pink icing! This was a long thought out process, seriously we were on the baking isle for like 5 mins. It was fun though. He then thought he could have them right then, so that was a whole other explanation about how we had to bake them. Come to find out, two year olds could care less about the process, all they know is they want it and want it now....who knew(wink)?!?! I told Joshua that he could help me make them after he woke up from his nap, so after he woke up we proceeded to make "birthday cake to me" cupcakes and it went a little something like this:

Oh the memories that were made during this. I loved it! It was the first time Joshua has ever wanted to help in the kitchen. I have tried numerous times before but nothing until yesterday! He had such a great time mixing, pouring and watching the cupcakes bake in the oven. He enjoyed getting to "ice" his cupcake and adding the sprinkles. It was funny, because he licked the sprinkles off the icing of the cupcake and then just ate a couple of bites and was done. I thought he would eat the whole thing, but he isn't big on sweets, so that is probably why. What a fun experience and memory this was for both of us.
P.S. Since there were 24 cupcakes that were made, we decided to have a lesson in sharing as well, and we decided to share some with my office and give one to each of Joshua's teachers! We kept a couple for ourselves as well.

1 comment:

Graham and Storey said...

That really makes me want to go out and do that same :) You're such a fun mommy!