Sunday, July 18, 2010

Getting Older by the Minute!

I thought it might be time for a little Joshua update. It seems like everyday he is discovering something, or saying something new. I love watching Joshua discover and say new things. Sometimes, I get blown away by what he can do and say.

Joshua's stats: Age: 2 1/2 Weight: 30lbs Height: 2ft. 10in. (He definitely has his daddy's metabolism)

Favorite foods: Goldfish, chicken(grilled or in nugget form), broccoli, green beans, cheese sticks, lunchables, apples (whole), grapes, rice, red sugar-free Popsicles, milk and water. These are his go to/must haves. He is still a pretty decent eater. He is starting to be a little picky, but I am still thankful that he hasn't given up on his fruits and veggies.

Favorite Toys: Cars and trucks, piano, his kid laptop, books, balls, and CD player

What is Joshua into these days: Elmo and Blues Clues are his latest, but he is still very much into his water table or anything that has to do with water, swinging and sliding, riding his push cars around. Running around and around the island in the kitchen, playing hide and seek, playing with his tool bench and looking for bugs!

Joshua is using 3 to 4 word sentences most of the time. He is definitely easier to understand and we love the fact that he can tell us what he wants and we can usually get what he is saying the first time around which helps with frustration on both ends. Some examples are Daddy/Mommy, where are you? when he is looking for us. Milo, get down! His most favorite sentence right now is "Wow, look at dat(that)!" He is progressing very well with using his words and combining sentences. It is amazing to hear what he can say and what he remembers. I was asking him about his friends in his class today and he named almost everybody in the class. I was impressed because not all of those kiddos come everyday, so that is impressive to me.

Potty training is not going as well as Dan and I had hoped, but we know that Joshua will eventually come around. He loves everything about the potty, except what it is used for! He will hold it and not go on the potty.

Joshua is all about discovering how something works. He concentrates on everything. I always wonder what his little mind is thinking. Today he kept looking down into the sprinkler to see how in the world that water was coming out so fast and so high. He kept looking up and then looking down. Joshua is a counter! The boy counts all the time. He loves to count everything! He can pretty much count to 20 with only a couple of numbers being skipped. He also loves to sing!

Joshua's favorite songs to sing: Twinkle, twinkle, little star, ABC's, Wheels on the Bus, and Skid-a-ma-rink(msp?)

Joshua is such a little copy cat. He copies anything you do or say! This is where Dan and I have to watch what we say, because for some reason Joshua will repeat the "bad" words over and over again. Not cool!

Joshua loves, loves to give hugs and kisses!! I love that he loves to do that. He will sometimes say, "Mommy/Daddy cheek?" Which means he wants us to bend down so he can kiss our cheek! Melt my heart, love it!! He has such a big heart and is a cuddler(for now)!

Joshua has many silly faces, this one is called I think the weed eater is too LOUD!
Still weed eater is too loud, but maybe if I stick my tongue out...

Discovery, Discovery!

Joshua LOVES red Popsicles!!!!!

Mr. Fix-It! Always ready to help!

Trying to get the pinwheel to work!

Joshua is at a fun age of learning and growing! He is a joy to be around and lives his life to the fullest everyday! This fun age also comes with tantrums and the little magic word, "NO!!" Joshua loves that word, lucky for us he doesn't say it all the time, but sometimes, I think I might just go bonkers, and that Joshua has pushed all my buttons, but I am thankful that there are more days filled with kisses and hugs than "No's" and tantrums!!!

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