Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mommy Love Rambles!

Joshua has been doing a lot of cute things lately, that I just love so I wanted to share them. If the blog doesn't make a whole lot of sense that is fine, because this is just a Mommy rambling about her kiddo that she loves and adores.

I love the way you dramatically blow kisses when you say good-bye! You blow a kiss and spin your body...super cute!

I love when you want anyone to come to you, you use both your tiny hands to wave the person towards you.

I love that when you do not know where Daddy or Mommy is that you continue to call out our name over and over and you get louder and louder with each call...daddyyeee, Daddyeee, DADDYEEEE or mama, Mama, MAMA!!!!

I love how every little thing that you do ends with a clap and a great big smile! You accomplish so much and you are quite proud of your accomplishments!

I love how you drop whatever it is that you are doing and run as fast as you can when it is time to go and keeping looking back to make sure we are coming too.

I love our cuddle time in the morning and before bed.

I love when you go to brush your teeth that you bob your head along with the "toothbrush song" as you brush your teeth and then when it is time for a sip of water, instead of drinking it you look at it and then pour it in the sink.

I love the way you get so excited when we go for walks. You giggle the whole time!

I love the way you love on Milo and give him kisses and how when you wake up and you see him that you "woof, woof" at him as if to say "good morning".

I love that you randomly give the biggest hugs and kisses to mommy and daddy!!

I love the fact that when you like what you are eating you say "yummmm yummmm"

I love that you say "Hi" in your sweetest voice when you want something or when you are up to something.

I love the fact that you think by saying "pleeya"(please) that means you can get whatever you want.

I love that when you or somebody else drops something you say "uh oh wa wa (joshua)"!

I love that when we get in the car you immediately start chanting "mihey ouse (mickey mouse)" because you want to listen to the Mickey Mouse CD, when I ask if that is what you want, you say yea and pleya(please)

I love the way that you live everyday to its fullest! Even though you are only 21months, I know that everyday you take great pride in absorbing every little bit of energy there is in the day and that you love, love your world! I see it every day in your accomplishments and on your smiling face.

Most of all I LOVE YOU FOR BEING YOU!!!!

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