Wednesday, March 10, 2010

13 for Wednesday

What has Joshua been up to lately?

1. He can count to 10 and recognizes the numbers when he sees them randomly. ( For example, he was looking at the clock the other day and just started randomly pointing to each number and saying them.)

2. He knows the colors green(geen), orange, purple(puple), blue(bue), red, and yellow(ello)

3. He is a little chatter box! Saying new 2 word phrases everyday. Like: "got it", "go car", "my turn", etc.

4. He loves to drink milk (mulk) and normally wants it in a regular glass with a straw

5. He loves the Wii system and demands us to play it all the time! He has certain games that he likes to watch us play and will cheer when we are done whether it be a good score or bad score!

6. The kid is in love with bubbles! He can't get enough of them, so lately we have been going outside to blow bubbles.

7. He is still loving school and continues to be the leader in the class, but what else would you expect from our little Joshua.

8. Running, marching or hopping is how he gets around these days!

9. He likes to push the shopping cart, instead of riding in it!

10. He loves salad

11. He loves to give "air kisses" to anything and anyone in the room(this is a new thing he just started. He will label whatever it is before he goes and gives it or you an "air kiss", ex: mama"muah", ball "muah")

12. Did I mention he is a little chatter box these days! I can't believe it! It is like turning on a light switch!

13. He still gives the greatest bear hugs in the world!!!!!

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