Wednesday, June 8, 2011

When Joshua Speaks

Joshua has been talking in sentences for a while now, but it seems here lately that they are more complete and inquisitive. He is also becoming like a parrot more and more. He literally will copy anything that you say with the same inflection and tone that you said it. He plays the "copy cat" game without even knowing that he is playing(we will keep that to ourselves, because I am sure once he knows that it is an actual game, he will want to do it all the time). Most of his copying comes when we are at the dinner table. Do you know how hard it is to carry on a conversation with an echo in the background. We are trying to explain to him that this is not very polite to do when some is talking and that if he has something to say then he needs to say, "excuse me" and wait for his turn to speak. Very hard to explain when he thinks it is so funny!

Some of Joshua's sentences are so funny and then they can also be so grown up. The sentences that sound more grown up really throw me for a loop. My baby boy is growing up way too fast! So I thought I would share some sentences that he has said lately and some conversations that go on around our house.

Joshua: "Daddy, I need to ask a question?"

Dan(with a shocked look on his face): "Ok, what's your question?"

Joshua: "nothing"

My niece, Jordan was playing around with Joshua. They were kind of teasing each other, but then Joshua had enough and the conversation went like this:

Josh: "Jordan, stop it, stop right now!" "Go sit in time out!"

Jordan (with the expression of is this really happening) "Are you serious? I am not going to time out!"

Josh: "yes, you are!" ( my mom intervenes and tells them both to stop teasing and no one is going to time-out)

Josh: "Jordan, do you hear that!? listen! Jordan?!

My, what a bossy little 3 yr old!!

J: Stay right here momma! I be right back!

Me: Ok, I will wait right here for you

J: I'm back! I'm back! (as he comes running into the room)

Random sentences:

Momma, wanna a look at the stars?

I need to pick two trains to go to school.

Where's my stool? I need my stool! (searching for it) (finds it) There it is!

Momma, wanna play trains? You can be (insert name of a train here). He always picks the train for us, we never get to pick which ones we want to

I need my swimsuit, I wanna play at the water park!

J: "I want a banana."

Me: "Ok, but you have to sit at the table and eat it."

J: " No fank(thank) you." "I want to eat it on the couch"

Me: "You can't eat a banana on the couch, it is too messy."

J: "I be very careful."

Me: "No, Joshua! You can eat the banana at the table or you don't eat it at all!"

J: "I JUST HAVE TO EAT A BANANA! uggghhh!!" (As he stomps to the table and sits down)

" I can't have to go." (when he can't go tee tee in the potty)

"Sharing is nice. I share with Andrew!"

"Ok, lets see. What should we do?"

The list could go on and on. The conversations can be trying at sometimes, but overall they are just shocking and funny! I really don't get where he gets some of these grown up words and sentences. WOW!! You never know what is going to come out of his mouth!

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