Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Funny Places of Escape!

I had a random thought the other day, that turned into a list of places that I never thought I would enjoy spending time in, but now I do. I thought I would share this random list! Once you become a mom, you totally loose your personal space and time, and while I have been a mom for almost 4 years now, I still laugh at these uncommon places of escape! These are not in any order. Here ya go! I know some of you moms will agree with me on this list!

1. The grocery store- as much as I hate going to the grocery, I find that I can easily spend 2 hours there. I will go up and down almost every aisle just to have some time to myself. It seems silly, but most of the time I like to go by myself so I can de-stress! Funny, but true!

2. My car-when I am in the car by myself, I sometimes turn off the radio, just to have peace and quiet. I also sometimes take the long way home when I am by myself. Not because I don't want to go home, but just so I can have an extra a minute or so to myself.

3. The shower-I love the shower! It is kind of like "white noise".

4. My desk at work- I know this might sound weird, but I am in a room all by myself, so I can turn my radio on and kind of be in my own little world. I do a little work too. HA!

Funny list, huh? These are not my favorite places, but they are the places that I am the most and so I take advantage of that ME time when I can. I know some of you moms out there can relate. I do not purposefully seek out these places for escape, but when I am there I do take my time on purpose. I love my little family, but everyone needs some time to themselves and these are the places that I can get it most of the time.

Do you have any weird places of escape?

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