Monday, August 8, 2011

Swim Lessons: Week 1

Today Joshua started his first official swim lesson for the year! God Bless the women and men that teach the little ones how to swim. I really do not see how they do it. Today Mr. Robert taught the class, and he handle all 3 boys in the class very well. Joshua was a little stubborn this time around. He didn't want to sit on his turtle mat and he didn't want to take his turn in the lesson. What Joshua wanted to do was make the biggest splash that he could by kicking as hard as he could and sit on the first step in the pool. Robert, was a little more laid back than Ms. Judy and I think Joshua fed off of that. So, Joshua got to sit on the step and wait for his turn and kick his legs. When it came time for Joshua's turn he reluctantly got in the water, but once he was in the water he listened and did what he was told. He did a great job once he was in the water. It was the whole waiting that got him. I do understand that it is hard for a little kid to sit still and wait patiently, but the kid needs to learn that and also know that he can't get everything he wants. I think Mr. Robert is his teacher, so Joshua will probably get to splash and sit on the step and wait his turn, just like he wants. Ugh! At least he does what he is supposed to while he is in the water.

This is not Mr. Robert, obviously, but I didn't take pics today, so I used this one from last time.
I think these swimming lessons are going to cause me to have a panic attack! Seriously! I get so worked up inside, because I am so afraid that Joshua is going to lean to far over and fall in while waiting his turn. I am like a hawk watching its prey the whole 30 minutes of the lesson. The teacher really isn't that far away(like an arms length) and is always looking back at the kids waiting their turn, but still this just makes me nervous. One fun thing that the kids got to do today was "hunt" for buried treasure on the pirate ship. The so called "pirate ship" is really just pvc pipes glued together with a net attached to the bottom and a bar going across it. This way the kids can hold on to the bar at first and go under to get the "treasure" and then come back up and stand on the net. Eventually they would not need the bar. The boys loved it! Also, I told my co-worker, the one that we have been swimming with a few times about the swim lessons and she took her grandson today for a free lesson. She is going to sign him up and he will be in the same class as Joshua! How much fun are they going to have every Monday? Cormyc and Joshua really do play very well together and the swimming lessons were no different. It was really cute to listen and watch them clap and encourage each other. They are great friends! So, on the way home while we were creeping along, because of the wonderful 5:00 traffic, I look in my rear view to find this:

Joshua passed completely out! Drooling and snoring! I am not sure if he is going to go to bed on time tonight or not, because of his 30 minute nap, but I guess that is what swim lessons will do to you!

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