Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday's Theme Is....

PAJAMA DAY!!! Why is this one my favorite day, well because all I had to do was basically get myself ready this morning. Joshua slept in what he was going to wear today. So, he was ready to go after a quick change of his diaper, brushing his teeth and combing his hair. We had so much time on our hands that I even got to go and treat myself to Starbucks this morning on the way to work. Life was great this morning! I wish everyday could be pajama day! It would make it so much easier in the morning! At school they got to watch a little Elmo in their pajamas(who doesn't love that, right?) I am sure this was a favorite day for a lot of moms at MFH! I mean, who wouldn't mind hanging out in their pajamas all day! I know we all have done it a time or two! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

If you are reading this post for the first time then you might be a bit confused as to what is going on, read the next couple of post and you will see what I am talking about!

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