Monday, April 19, 2010

Moving on Up!

We are making a few changes around the Feldman household to try and save money and one of those money saving things is to get rid of our monthly storage note. In order to get rid of the note, we are having to rearrange somethings in the house in order to store some of the items that we want to keep. So what we decided to do was take down the twin bed in the guest bedroom and let Joshua have it for his bed. Which meant that we had to break down his toddler bed. Just another stage in life that is bitter sweet. His crib converts to a toddler bed, which converts to a full-size bed, but I was afraid that it would take up too much of his room and I wanted his room to be a place for him to go and play. So on Saturday we went and got a new blanket/comforter and a couple of fun pillows and a really nifty storage unit to hold his toys. We reorganized his room and got the twin bed all put up. I love his room and he does too! He kept saying "wow"! over and over again. I can't believe how his room went from being a nursery to a little boy's room. The guest room is now officially a playroom and will be able to hold some stuff from storage as well. On Sunday, we got to spend sometime with Grandpa! He is staying in Dallas with Lisa and Nic to help out with Camden, who was born on April 14th(we get to go this weekend and visit Aunt Lisa, Uncle Nic, cousin Kaden and the newest addition, cousin Cam!) We can't wait! So, on Sunday Grandpa drove to Austin to visit. It was a great time and we enjoyed getting to visit with him, because he will not be there this weekend when we go for our visit. Joshua was in rare form and just acting plain silly while Grandpa was around. I guess Grandpa brings the wiggles and giggles out of him. Joshua enjoyed the visit, tremendously and so did we! I have posted some pictures below of the room transformation!

Toddler Bed broken down
Officially a playroom!

Joshua's new room!!

Grandpa and Joshua!!

First night in the twin bed!

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