Monday, November 8, 2010

Time Outs and Prayers

Joshua knows about "Time Outs" far too well. He is at the age of testing the limits so the word "time out" is used a lot in our house these days. The majority of the time a warning works with Joshua, but there are those days were he spends 3 mins in time out! He does not like this one bit! He cries and kicks the whole way and even when he is in time out he continues to protest by crying. The other day was the first day that he actually tried to get out of time out before the timer went off, which led to the timer starting all over again. He quickly learned that he needed to stay in time out in order for the timer to not restart again. With all this being said, everything around him goes to "time out". When we are in the car and we are stopped at a light he tells the cars around us to go to time out. Our dog, Milo, is told to go to time out alot! When Joshua is asked why Milo needs to go to time out, he replies, "no listen! time out!" Every once in awhile I go to Starbucks to get a yummy latte and for some reason this makes Joshua upset therefore, he tells the cars in front that they need to go to timeout and sometimes I even get time out told to me. I have no idea why Starbucks sets him off so bad, but it does. Maybe it is because he isn't getting anything. I have no idea what it is. It is pretty funny to hear him go around using the word time out in his most stern voice!!

We say prayers every night before Joshua goes to sleep and lately he has been saying some funny stuff. One prayer went a little something like this: Dear God, thank you for a good nights sleep(all squished into one word) and for school and mama and daddy and milo and some chips please! (LOL) I laughed out loud during that one. I guess he was craving chips and thought God might put them under his pillow or something if he asked for them. It was too funny! Another time when he prayed he said the whole spill like the one above, (minus the chips) but at the end instead of saying "Amen" he said "choo choo!" The boy is all about trains so I guess it was just on his mind. It is so sweet to hear him say his prayers. Sometimes they are short and to the point and other times he names everyone and everything under the sun. Either way they are so sweet to listen too.

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