Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

This year we decided to go to my Dad's for Thanksgiving! My Dad and Jan live on a bunch of land and have quite a few animals too. We left Wednesday around 530 and we just knew there would be traffic, but thankfully there wasn't! We had a nice Thanksgiving dinner with all the traditional food like turkey, stuffing, gravy, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, etc. We all ate until we were stuffed! The rest of the time we just hung out and on Saturday we went to the Botanical Gardens in Orange. They were having a scarecrow display through out the gardens and it was really awesome to see. Each company in Orange created a scarecrow to have displayed in the gardens(yes, Orange is that small, so they can do that). We had a wonderful time while we were there and on Sunday we left after breakfast to head back home. It was a nice relaxing visit.

Below are a few things that I know Joshua was truly grateful for. He did not verbally express it to me, but actions speak louder than words!
Joshua was thankful for Mocha the horse. Mocha let Joshua pet him constantly and let Joshua feed him hay!

Joshua would talk to Mocha everyday while we were there and Mocha loved getting the attention!

Joshua was thankful for the hay, not only to feed Mocha with but to play in

and throw in the air!!

Another thing Joshua was thankful for was DIRT and SAND! It is like his own personal life size sand box out there and he loved every minute of it! He tried to bury his legs in the sand, he threw sand in the air, and he dug in the sand!

Joshua is also thankful that he got the honorary job of feeding the ducks! This by far was his all time favorite thing to do while he was there and because Grandpa Don can't say "No" to Joshua he got to feed the ducks twice a day instead of once a day like usual! (I am sure that made the ducks happy too)

Honestly, if he wasn't feeding the ducks he was digging in the dirt and this is how he played in the sand most of the time, laying down!

Daddy was grateful for a relaxing few days away from his busy work schedule! This is where you could find him most of the time!

It was a really great time! I am thankful that we got to spend time with my Dad and Jan and we got to enjoy the land and see Joshua play until his heart was content!

Random: Can you believe that we are now in the month of December!!! 2010 has flown by!!

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