Friday, December 17, 2010

At Three...

...I (Joshua) am growing and growing! Even though I turned 3 on the 14th, I didn't have my 3 yr check up until the 16th. Mommy doesn't like to make me go to the doctor on my birthday, which is great!! At the doctor they weighed me and checked to see how tall I was. The doctor also looked in my ears, nose and mouth. Mommy and him talked for a long time about potty training, tantrums and if I was a picky eater and just how I am doing over all. I didn't mind that they talked so long because while they talked I got to play with all the cool toys and books that they have in the room. Towards the end I did have to get a flu shot and they had to prick my finger for some lab work, but I took both of those like a champ! I hate getting shots, but I know they are for my own good. Back in July when I had my lovely ear infection they found out that I was a little anemic, so that is why they had to do some lab work, but the labs came back with showing my iron right where it should be. When the doctor checked my ears, he saw the beginnings of what could turn into an ear infection so mommy and him decided it would be best to stop the ear infection before it got worse. So he gave me a prescription for antibiotics. I am good with taking medicine and especially when it is bubble gum flavored....YUM!! Overall I got a clean bill of health and I am right on target for a 3 yr old. Enough about the doctor, let me tell you what I can do as a THREE year old!

I weigh 30lbs 2oz (50%)
I am 36 3/4 in tall (25%)

I can take off my shirt, pants, socks and shoes
I can pull up my pants
I can reach the table without my booster seat
I love to wash my hands
I can talk in full sentences
I can get in and out of my chair at the table by myself
I got a big boy bike for my birthday and I am learning how to ride it.

I can drink out of a cup with no lid with minimal spilling.
I am starting to draw with a purpose and starting to pretend to write(scribble) names of my friends.
I can identify a letter or a number without it being in the correct order.
I love to find shapes and letters in my food and will tell mommy and daddy what they are.
I know the majority of my shapes, colors, and all of my letters
I can count to 10 in Spanish and to 22 in English
I love to sing the alphabet song over and over again and shout it from the roof tops
Thomas the Train is my new favorite thing! I also love all kinds of trains. Elmo is still a big hit with me.

I look like a little boy and not a toddler. I do not have the baby fat as much anymore and that makes mommy sad!
I love to laugh
I also like to dance to any music, but I will stop and dance for the theme song from cops!
I am slowly starting to grow out of my naps! Yay for me! Mommy and Daddy are not to happy about this! :)
I sleep from about 830pm to about 7am on a regular basis. When I do go to sleep I am usually out for the night.
I can get in and out of my bed as I please, but normally do not once it is time for bed.
I now come out of my room most of the time when I am ready to get up instead of laying in my bed and waiting for mommy and daddy to come get me.
I am not into the whole potty training thing as of yet, but I am showing a tiny bit of interest, so I am know it will happen eventually.
I can throw the best of tantrums.
I get my feelings hurt really easily
I love to give hugs and kisses
If I am put in timeout, I do not like to come out of time out until I am ready even when the timer has gone off and timeout is over (stubborn much?!)
I am surprising mommy and daddy everyday with how much I can do and say. Everyday I am doing something new! I am thinking 3 isn't going to be so bad!!!

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