Monday, December 20, 2010

Busy Holiday Weekend!

This past weekend was super busy, but fun! My friend, Jana, came into to town late Wed. night to come visit us for the weekend. We love hanging out with her! She is so much fun! So, we decided to cram a lot of fun things into a short amount of time. First, on Thursday night we went to a place Dan had saw on his way home from work a few weeks ago, called Santa's Ranch. They have tons of lights that you can drive through the ranch and look at. The only rules that they had were to stay in the car and turn off your lights(yes it was that bright)! Joshua loved it and just continued to star out the window in amazement! This place did a pretty good job. They had different scenes and places to look at. It took about 30 minutes to drive through and all the while you got to see tons of beautiful, twinkling lights!

Then on Friday night, we went to the grocery store to by stuff to make soup and to bake cookies! Once dinner was over we got down to business and started making Christmas cookies, and "trash". I personally like to call it Christmas crunch, but none the less it was really good and really easy to make. Joshua even joined in on the fun. He did a little taste testing along the way to make sure that everything tasted good.

This is our finished Christmas Crunch! Talk about yummy and very addicting!

These are our finished Christmas cookies!

On Saturday, Jana and I decided to do a little Christmas shopping and we also were going to make Christmas dinner that night as well. So we woke up and Dan made us some yummy french toast and then we left the house about 9:30. The guys stayed behind to have a "guy's day". Jana and I shopped until we dropped! It was so much fun, but so tiring! We shopped from 9:30 to 5 that evening. That is like a full work day!!! It was fun to have some girl time, because I don't get to have that as much anymore. We did have the best time shopping and going to lunch and when we got home we hit the kitchen once again to make Christmas dinner. Dan and Joshua had a full day as well of doing "honey-dos" and going to Auto Zone, you know manly stuff. So, we cooked Turkey, stuffing, corn casserole, green bean casserole and rolls and had cookies for dessert. It was so good. We were all stuffed and sleepy by 8pm.
On Sunday, Jana had to leave to go back home, so we just had a lazy Sunday until it was time to go to my company's Christmas party! It was a fun gathering and we had a nice buffet and we did a white elephant gift exchange. Joshua was of course the hit of the party! He looked so cute in his slacks and sweater vest! He did very well and when he asked for his blanket, I knew it was time to leave. It was a wonderful weekend. I am blessed to have so many friends and family in my life.

Honestly, he looks like a little man! Dan said he looks like "Kevin" from home alone when they are at Christmas dinner. ha ha! He kind of does with his sweater vest and his little smile!

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