Monday, July 27, 2009

Single Parent for a Week

This weekend we just hung out as a family. Nothing too major happened. Just enjoyed being together and playing with our little man. Sunday night Dan left to go to Kingsville(it's near Corpus Christi) for the week. His job sent him down there to help out with a property that was falling behind and needed to be caught up by Friday. So, that leaves just me and Joshua for the week. It is going to be very interesting being a single parent for the week. To be honest I am a little nervous about going at this alone, but then I think of all the single parents out there that go at it alone every day of every week of every year and it makes my little week of being a single parent not so bad. Of course, it is only day one of my single parent week, so I really don't have anything to report, so I will have to update you guys in a few days. So far, last night was a success with Joshua sleeping through the night, not so much for me though, because I am having to get used to Dan not sleeping next to me; plus my mind was racing like crazy. I was glad that Joshua slept through the night because he did not do that this weekend. Joshua is going through some "terrible two's" here and there and this weekend was one of those times. I am praying they do not revisit him this week. Today, we did our usual morning routine as always and got to work on time. So all in all things are going swimmingly. I will update later. Hope everyone has a GREAT week!!!! Oh, and Daddy we love you and miss you already!!!!!!

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