Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's God's World, We Just Live In It!

So today, I was reminded once again that this is God's world and he is in control. Several post ago, I mentioned about a woman who had Stage IV Colon Cancer, well earlier today, she passed away after battling it for 2 years. God decided that her time here on earth was done and he called her home. While I have not been able to forget her story, it still hit me like a ton of bricks when I read that she had passed. I felt like I had been punched in the gut, hard! I began to cry, I only knew this girl as an acquaintance but I guess her being my age and having a little girl, Joshua's age really has hit home with me. No, I have never experienced cancer, and I pray to God that I never will, but the fact that I sometimes forget that God gave me this life and it is HIS life not mine, things like this really are a wake up call. "REALITY CHECK" again! Everyday, I strive to live life to the fullest and sometimes I just do not quite make it, but I know that is ok. This woman has really touched me and she will never know how much of an impact she has had on me. She will never know how she makes me stop and think about my reaction or how she makes me want to absorb every minute I have with my family. Every time, I start to throw a pity party for myself, her story pops in my head and I am able to stop and think, "this is no reason to throw a pity party for yourself". So, once again, God has shown me that he is in control and that it is truly his world and we are supposed to live in it and do His will. He controls every aspect of your life and what you do. I am 100% sure that God allowed me to read and know this woman's story and she will always be apart of my heart and thoughts. God used her and her story to give me a "reality check" and I am answering that wake up call. I hold and look at my family differently now. I definitely will not take anything for granted especially, my precious little boy and wonderful husband. Remember: God created this world and he did not have to put you here, but you have a purpose on this earth and it is to serve him until he is ready to call you home!

I love this little boy and he loves to watch the cars go by at my work!

My Two favorite boys!!!

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