Sunday, February 7, 2010

Notes from School

When I go to pick up Joshua from school at 2, I always look forward to the notes that the teachers write. These notes usually consist of what he did that day, if he ate well, and what time he took a nap, and there is always a special note at the end sharing one special thing that Joshua did that day. I am always humored by what they have to say about Joshua so I thought I would share a few "notes" that are left by his teacher.
Now these are quoted word for word by his teacher's Ms. Pam and Ms. Elaine:

The sensory table is full of dry pasta shells-Josh figured out how LOUD they can be! :-)

Josh found our pretend spider and went around to each of his friends "kissing" them with it.

He told Ms. Pam that his pizza was "yuck"! But he sure are plenty of pineapple bits!

He got a hold of Kate's Mardi Gras beads and started doing a dance for us with them on!

A soggy blanket didn't bother him a bit-he really needed it today at nap, so if he smells a bit like a wet puddle, that's why! :-) (He took his blanket out to the playground and it was dragged through a puddle)

Josh thought it was funny to put his blanket over his head, but when he started to walk, oops-no eye holes! The tire mulch on the playground cushioned his fall.

Josh always helps his friends, no matter what the task is, he is the first one to show them how it is done!

Josh let us know today that he can say his name! He shouted it from the roof tops, "Josh, Josh, Josh!!" Very cute!

I love the notes at the end of the day, they usually brighten up my afternoon! He is such a delight and it shows in his classroom as well. They have hearts placed all over the walls of their classroom for valentine's day and each child has his or her name on one and Joshua's says "Joyful Josh". I think they definitely got that one right!!!

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