Sunday, February 7, 2010


So it seems here lately that Joshua has grown very attached to his blanket. It doesn't have to be a particular one, any blanket will do. In fact, he now goes and pulls open his drawer where the blankets are kept and helps himself to one if he feels the need. If it is a really bad day, he would prefer to have two blankets, one for each hand. Joshua never got attached to anything really as a baby, never used a pacifier, never really needed a bottle in his hand or any stuffed animal for that matter, and I thought that was a little strange, because I thought every child gets attached to something at a young age. It has just been here in the last month or so that Joshua feels the need to have his blanket outside of the bed. If he gets hurt; he needs his blanket, if he brushes his teeth; he needs his blanket, if he goes to the playground at school; he needs his blanket, etc. He will go around calling for his blanket, "banket, banket?" We try to keep the blanket in the bed and tell him only when he goes "night, night" can he have it, but sometimes I guess the boy just needs that security of his blanket. One night this last week, Dan walked in to check on him before bed and came in our bedroom and asked me if I had covered him up with 3 extra blankets and I said nope, he must have got up and put those in the bed himself. NICE!! Although, I don't think Joshua will become like Linus, I think this is his choice of attachment and I can't really blame him, because it was my choice as well when I was his age and I didn't give mine up until my first day of kindergarten! I know eventually he will leave this "Linus stage" behind; hey it could be worse!!!


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